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Glossary Of Terms


Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange.


Defined as a domestic or foreign holder, whether individual or organization, of fund certificates.


The first offering of Fund Units of that Fund for subscription to the public



Member fund

Means investment fund which has the number of members with capital contribution not over 30 and they are institutors only.

Management Fee

Defined as the fee payable to the Fund Management Company for its provision of fund management service as defined in the Prospectus.

Net Asset Value or NAV

The total value of the assets held by a Fund minus its liabilities for a Fund on a Valuation Day

Open-ended fund

Means a mutual fund which means it is a pool of assets contributed by many investors pursuing the same, common investment objective, is managed by professional fund management companies and regulated by special laws to ensure that normal investors can benefit from pooling their savings with other investors. An open-ended fund is an open fund meaning it there is no fixed investment duration or fixed number of investors and allows the purchase and sale of units in its pool of assets at the Net Asset Value (“NAV”) on any trading day; this ensures that all investors, existing and new, are treated equally and fairly.


Defined as documents or electronic data to disclose accurate, true, objective information relating to the offer for sale of fund certificates.

Public fund

Means investment fund offers fund certificates in public